7th Swiss Conference on Data Science SDS2020, 26.06.2020
On the 26th of June 2020, the 7th Swiss Conference on Data Science took place, for the first time online. The conference was already in preparation to be held on location in Luzern, Switzerland, when the COVID-19 epidemic broke out. The team had to consider the next steps, with international speakers and participants joining from near and far. In the end the bold and forward-looking decision was taken to keep it as an online event. With only a couple of months to go, the team reached out to Studio Habegger in Regensdorf who, together with the Talque platform executing the streaming, made the conference accessible and widely reachable.
Our three keynote speakers each participated in the way best suited to their situation; Marcel Salathé and Pieter Abbeel remotely and Luca Gambardella joined us in the studio. They and the speakers of the 39 other talks made the day and all our three streams relevant and interesting. The topics were Digital Health, Data Products, AI for Finance and Insurance and Robust and Trustworthy Machine Learning, as well as additional talks about Data Science related challenges. The participants could pose questions through the platform, which they did actively. Thanks to all of you for making the conference such a success!
SDS2020 in numbers
Total participants in the conference were 416. We had 23 sponsors – an enormous thanks to all of you! 42 talks and 13 poster presentations. The industry/academia ratio was 64.9% and 25.6% respectively (and 9.4% other). Data+Service members 56.2% and non-members 43.8%
Our “Ort der Vision” plate also made it to the conference, after being delayed during the lock-down. It will now continue to visit all of our members in time for our General Assembly in October.
We again want to give our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors, especially our presenting partner D ONE solutions AG.
You can see our flashback video here, and if you missed some talks or want to refresh your memory, the videos and slides are on the SDS2020 website.
We are already looking forward to the SDS2021. If you want to join us as a speaker, you can find the Call for Participation on our SDS2021 website! We look forward to seeing you there!