SDS|2015, the 2nd Swiss Workshop on Data Science, brings together opinion-leaders, practitioners, decision-makers and researchers with interest in Data Science (including, but not limited to Big Data). Its goal is to foster exchange of ideas specifically for the Swiss market and to sustain the community of Data Scientists in Switzerland.
As a follow-up to the very successful first event 2014, we plan a full day of exciting and inspiring talks, hands-on data expeditions, and ample time for networking.
To this end, stakeholders from industry and academia as well as from politics and funding agencies are invited to share their thoughts, experiences and needs on projects, agendas and education. Build your network and find future partners.
Find the official flyer here.
Find the complete program here.
Three parallel tracks will address needs of decision makers as well as practitioners and offer opportunities to get one’s hands dirty with data. Inspiring talks will be presented by renowned Data Scientists and internationally renowned keynote speakers, and there will be ample time for discussion and networking.