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Internet of Things: A Concept for the Future

The Scientific Method in Tech – A|B testing as the driver of Data Driven Product Development

Recommender Systems for Mass Customization of Financial Advice

Will we arrive on time? Forecasting train delays by using data rather than assumptions

Responsible and Trusted Artificial intelligence

Predicting future business performance of hotels and restaurants with the help of online ratings

AI-powered customer care

The Future of Swiss Railway Dispatching: Deep Learning on a Digital Twin

Automating insurance claim processing: Using NLP methods to learn sparse spaces

SME default prediction using novel data sources and machine learning techniques

When will my train run? Predicting the duration of disruptions in the SBB railway network with Recurrent Neural Networks

AnalyticsOps – DevOps for Data Science

Valorisation of smart grid monitoring data

Information Theory of Deep Learning: What do the Layers of Deep Neural Networks represent?

10 learnings from the trenches

Automated AI/ML: What can (and can’t) be automated in Data Science

Goodness of fit assessment by chi-square decomposition and its application for critical decision making

Modern Information Platforms – How digitalisation can be managed in enterprises

Data Science in Action – 2 use cases

Data as the Fuel and Analytics as the Engine of the Digital Transformation: Demystification, Challenges, Opportunities and Principles for Success